Function antithesis_sdk::assert::assert_raw

source ·
pub fn assert_raw(
    condition: bool,
    message: String,
    details: &Value,
    class: String,
    function: String,
    file: String,
    begin_line: u32,
    begin_column: u32,
    hit: bool,
    must_hit: bool,
    assert_type: AssertType,
    display_type: String,
    id: String
Expand description

This is a low-level method designed to be used by third-party frameworks. Regular users of the assert package should not call it.

This is primarily intended for use by adapters from other diagnostic tools that intend to output Antithesis-style assertions.

Be certain to provide an assertion catalog entry for each assertion issued with assert_raw(). Assertion catalog entries are also created using assert_raw(), by setting the value of the hit parameter to false.

Please refer to the general Antithesis documentation regarding the use of the Fallback SDK for additional information.


use serde_json::{json};
use antithesis_sdk::{assert, random};

struct Votes {
    num_voters: u32,
    candidate_1: u32,
    candidate_2: u32,

fn main() {
    let mut all_votes = Votes {
        num_voters: 0,
        candidate_1: 0,
        candidate_2: 0,

    for _voter in 0..100 {
        tally_vote(&mut all_votes, random_bool(), random_bool());

fn random_bool() -> bool {
    let v1 = random::get_random() % 2;
    v1 == 1

fn establish_catalog() {
        false,                            /* condition */
        "Never extra votes".to_owned(),   /* message */
        &json!({}),                       /* details */
        "mycrate::stuff".to_owned(),      /* class */
        "mycrate::tally_vote".to_owned(), /* function */
        "src/".to_owned(),       /* file */
        20,                               /* line */
        3,                                /* column */
        false,                            /* hit */
        true,                             /* must_hit */
        assert::AssertType::Always,       /* assert_type */
        "Always".to_owned(),              /* display_type */
        "42-1005".to_owned()              /* id */

fn tally_vote(votes: &mut Votes, candidate_1: bool, candidate_2: bool) {
    if candidate_1 || candidate_2 {
        votes.num_voters += 1;
    if candidate_1 {
        votes.candidate_1 += 1;
    if candidate_2 {
        votes.candidate_2 += 1;

    let num_votes = votes.candidate_1 + votes.candidate_2;
        num_votes == votes.num_voters,    /* condition */
        "Never extra votes".to_owned(),   /* message */
        &json!({                          /* details */
            "votes": num_votes,
            "voters": votes.num_voters
        "mycrate::stuff".to_owned(),      /* class */
        "mycrate::tally_vote".to_owned(), /* function */
        "src/".to_owned(),       /* file */
        20,                               /* line */
        3,                                /* column */
        true,                             /* hit */
        true,                             /* must_hit */
        assert::AssertType::Always,       /* assert_type */
        "Always".to_owned(),              /* display_type */
        "42-1005".to_owned()              /* id */

// Run example with output to /tmp/x7.json
// ANTITHESIS_SDK_LOCAL_OUTPUT=/tmp/x7.json cargo test --doc
// Example output from /tmp/x7.json
// Contents may vary due to use of random::get_random()
// {"antithesis_sdk":{"language":{"name":"Rust","version":"1.69.0"},"sdk_version":"0.1.2","protocol_version":"1.0.0"}}
// {"assert_type":"always","display_type":"Always","condition":false,"message":"Never extra votes","location":{"class":"mycrate::stuff","function":"mycrate::tally_vote","file":"src/","begin_line":20,"begin_column":3},"hit":false,"must_hit":true,"id":"42-1005","details":{}}
// {"assert_type":"always","display_type":"Always","condition":true,"message":"Never extra votes","location":{"class":"mycrate::stuff","function":"mycrate::tally_vote","file":"src/","begin_line":20,"begin_column":3},"hit":true,"must_hit":true,"id":"42-1005","details":{"voters":1,"votes":1}}
// {"assert_type":"always","display_type":"Always","condition":false,"message":"Never extra votes","location":{"class":"mycrate::stuff","function":"mycrate::tally_vote","file":"src/","begin_line":20,"begin_column":3},"hit":true,"must_hit":true,"id":"42-1005","details":{"voters":3,"votes":4}}