Run a test#

Previously you have packaged and pushed your software and have written a workload. You have reasoned about your software’s properties and perhaps have asserted these properties with Antithesis’ SDKs. Now let’s get down to business and find some bugs!

Next you will launch a test run. In a test run, Antithesis first builds your software using your config image’s container orchestration file and using the images you pushed to our container registry. Antithesis then begins running your workload and injecting faults. The Antithesis platform will intelligently search for violations of the properties you have defined. The results of a test run are recorded in a triage report, which is emailed to you. You may optionally also have the results posted back to platforms such as Github, Discord, or Slack.

Antithesis provides webhook endpoints that allow you to run a test on-demand. Each webhook supports optional parameters that configure the test and how its results are reported. The following example kicks off a test with curl.

curl --fail -u 'user:password' \
-X POST https://<tenant><endpoint> \
-d '{"params": { "antithesis.description":"Nightly testing on main",
    "antithesis.integrations.github.callback_url": "<url>",
    "antithesis.integrations.gitub.token": "<secret>",
    "antithesis.images":"my_images_with_version_list" } }'

You will probably want to configure your CI system to automate the process of building your software and kicking off webhooks. We recommend nightly testing.